I have updated my Multipage Toolkit to version 2.6 .
This is a major update, but you will be glad to hear it does not break any existing installations of the previous version.
Changes in this release include the following :-
New auto-insert option to display multipage toolkit on multipage Pages as well as Posts.
ALL pages link with custom seperator
The plugin by default now displays a ALL pages link in navigation links, this in effect allows the ability to display multipage posts on a single page – some people do not like multipage posts – so this fixes that!!
You can now add custom seperators between pages when viewing single page. Great for adding advertising code or extra things like images. This has been added by demand for the SEO types!!!
Visual Editor Integration
Multipage Toolkit is now fully integrated in to the WordPress Visual Editor (tinymce 3.x). What does this mean? Well as long as you are using wordpress 2.5 and above, you will now see two new buttons in your editor.
1st button, inserts page breaks i.e. adds pages to your posts – creating multipage posts.
2nd button, inserts and edits page titles.
Auto Insert Options Page
No more code, let me say that again no more code. Finally you can access all the powerful options available to you with the multipage toolkit right inside your admin panel. No more messing about with your theme files.
Coders you have not been forgotten…..
For people who still want to use code in their themes and need the extra level of control afforded – nothing has changed the same function calls and options still exist.
There is the addition to simplify the manual use within themes. You can now call the settings from the options page by using the following lines in your theme.
1st instance settings <?php TA_content_jump(1); ?>
2nd instance settings <?php TA_content_jump(2); ?>
You can still make custom settings via the function call. Please read my post here, which covers all the functions and options available as well as CSS styling options.
On the next page I cover the new features in detail…….
Very usefull plugin, thx
Here’s an idea that I’ve been looking for:
A) This plugin ROCKS, thank you.
B) Have you thought about trying to hook into the WordPress rewrite rules and offer the ability to customize the permalink beyond just /2/ or /3/ or /4/ etc? And instead, offer something like /template-hacking/ or /contact-us/ or /send-feedback/ or something beyond just the number the page?
I think that would be an extremely useful item that I really don’t see WordPress implementing into the core, that I would love to see in this plugin.
Thank you!!
Hi Tarkan,
Thanks for the plugin, it’s exactly what I was looking for. It’s working beautifully for me with one exception.
I have a page which pulls all posts from a specific category and is set to show only excerpts. On a Mac with Firefox this works perfectly. However, with safari it shows the first page of the post and the excerpt. I didn’t seen any other mentions of this problem.
Would really appreciate any thoughts!
I think it’s a very good plugin.
One question:
i need tu change the title of the page..
for example, the pages follow have the same TITLE of the page, it’s not good for google and SEO.
it is possible have for other page a different title?
first page, the name of page/posts, “category text”
second page, the name of page/posts and subpage “screenshot – category text” or “category text page 2”
little bug to fix
the previus link («)
make a link as:
the correct link is
with slash at end.
i’ve installed a multi language plugin, and link without end slash don’t work right.
the same problem with the “all” link,
and good work 😉
Hi Tarkan,
I was going to get in contact with you because there has been some speculation about using multiple “articles” with the same page and similar URL: some people believes this will lead to bad pagerank on Google.
Was wondering if it’s possible to update the plugin to modify page title ( tag) accordingly, using the WordPress page title + tag title; do the same for the generate url, adding ‘-‘ + tag title, filling in spaces with ‘-‘:
While it shouldn’t be difficult to change the URL generation, I wonder how you could make it work assuming other exixting plugins that allready do modify the tag, like All-in-one SEO, Yoast, etc).
Awaiting from you
Please email me because your contact page does not allow URLs. Or, here it is:
Can you send me an example url via my contact me page.
Great plugin! Unfortunately, when I insert a page break and then click on the next button or page number button in the post, it simply reloads the same page (therefore not allowing the reader to access the remainder of the post). Can you explain how I can remedy this?
Thanks again!
Major bug report: Plugin generates huge amount (1000+) of queries (which are not needed). Example: “SELECT * FROM wp_posts WHERE ID = 4255 LIMIT 1”, probably for each published post. Could you please provide a tip for fixing this (at least what might be the cause / relevant place in the code)? (Probably it depends on some custom settings, I can’t simulate the bug on other site with default settings). Thank you!
I’m new to WordPress and definitely non-technical. WP, with plugins such as yours, is my best hope of getting a half-decent website. But when it doesn’t quite do what I need – I’m stuck…
The site is mainly very long pages, so your plug-in is ideal. But at the end of each page I’ve manually inserted links to next and previous pages, using the page titles, in my preferred sequence. I couldn’t find a plugin that does this automatically for me.
The problem is that the final entry from your plugin (eg, ‘Pages: 1 2 3 4 5’) comes at the very end of the page, after my manual navigation inserts. Stylistically, it should come before the manual inserts. Is there any way I can move the final entry to the penultimate line of the page? For example, if the final entry showed as code in the code editor, I would be able to manually move it up one line.
Sadly CSS is not my strong area!! I have sent you an email to discuss this further – as I do want to improve the CSS structure of the plugin.
I am using your plugin and it seams to work well. However I am quite unhappy about the possibilities to change the style. This is because aminly because your css is very little cascading.
I want to have the same display as the wp-page-numbers plugin, which has a css style I want to copy. It would be great if multi page numbers could have a similar css structure to make them appear the same way easier.
You will see the button when you are using the Visual Editor. If you are using the coding view then you will have manually enter the tag.
Sometimes after activating the plugin you will have to refresh the page, so the icons get loaded.
AMAZING plugin!
Quick question… when I create a new post, you said something about there being a button instead of having to type in
I don’t see it in the post area… do I need to do something else to make this visible?
Thanks and thrive…
Valery ~
I cannot for the life of me remove this from my blog. It lingers on like some plague and I cannot get back my “insert –more–” tag and I also have lost control over H1, H2 etc…and being able to change my fonts, their colors or do anything with different heading sizes, which is another effect of the plugin.
If either you Tarken or anyone else here can help I would appreciate help beyond reproach. I am young man, but rather sickly as of late suffering from a rare form of Multiple Sclerosis, Osteoporosis and Fibromyalgia and I do not have the energy after surgery this past Monday and another coming up next week to fully combat the .css coding that it appears has been altered. I have reinstalled wp, updated wp, reverted back a few days…done a bunch, but the plugin’s features linger on.
If someone can help feel free to email me at riddledphantasms@gmail.com
My site is http://www.riddledphantasms.com and my name is Ross.
Thank you kindly.
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Just added this, great plugin by the way. Had to use a div align to center it.
Couple of things:
1) How do i center the page titles in the drop down list?
2) At the moment it reads:
Previous page[Drop Down Menu]Next page
How would i go about adding some spacing and possible some « » so it would look like:
« Previous Page Drop Down Menu Next Page »
Many thanks, and keep up the great work 🙂
uh-oh. The code didn’t show up in my comment…
let me try again, minus the wrap-around symbols:
!–pagetitle:XYZ Page 2–
I’ve tried using the multi-page plugin in WP 2.8, but no luck.
My chief issue is SEO related: my blog has lots of “duplicate” titles and meta descriptions (because Googlebot uses the metadescription for the *first* page as representing *all* pages).
So, I tried using the code option
to edit an article I posted a week or so ago, but that didn’t work.
Both the title slug and the title itself of the “XYZ” post remain as they were before.
The settings have been set to default (minus the “all” option).
Anything I should do at my end?
And I had to add stripslashes() on each loaded option (you strip it when echoing in admin but not for outside use) – I didn’t find the place where slashes are added.