WordPress Plugin : Multipage Toolkit 2.6

WordPress Plugin : Multipage Toolkit 2.6

I have updated my Multipage Toolkit to version 2.6 .

This is a major update, but you will be glad to hear it does not break any existing installations of the previous version.

Changes in this release include the following :-

New auto-insert option to display multipage toolkit on multipage Pages as well as Posts.

ALL pages link with custom seperator

The plugin by default now displays a ALL pages link in navigation links, this in effect allows the ability to display multipage posts on a single page – some people do not like multipage posts – so this fixes that!!

You can now add custom seperators between pages when viewing single page. Great for adding advertising code or extra things like images. This has been added by demand for the SEO types!!!

Visual Editor Integration

Multipage Toolkit is now fully integrated in to the WordPress Visual Editor (tinymce 3.x). What does this mean? Well as long as you are using wordpress 2.5 and above, you will now see two new buttons in your editor.

1st button, inserts page breaks i.e. adds pages to your posts – creating multipage posts.

2nd button, inserts and edits page titles.

Auto Insert Options Page

No more code, let me say that again no more code. Finally you can access all the powerful options available to you with the multipage toolkit right inside your admin panel. No more messing about with your theme files.

Coders you have not been forgotten…..

For people who still want to use code in their themes and need the extra level of control afforded – nothing has changed the same function calls and options still exist.

There is the addition to simplify the manual use within themes. You can now call the settings from the options page by using the following lines in your theme.

1st instance settings  <?php TA_content_jump(1); ?>
2nd instance settings <?php TA_content_jump(2); ?>

You can still make custom settings via the function call. Please read my post here, which covers all the functions and options available as well as CSS styling options.

On the next page I cover the new features in detail…….

165 thoughts on “WordPress Plugin : Multipage Toolkit 2.6

  1. Ray

    Just a heads-up

    I discovered that if a post is in a sub category then the page navigation does not function. Every page gets redirected to the first page and you can never view subsequent pages.

    WP 3.1, Multipage 2.6

  2. Jan


    is it possible to have H1 titles on all subpages: one subpage, one brand new title (without repeating of the original title on the each subpage?

  3. Ekrem

    Hi Tarkan,

    i have a problem: I want to display on the first page and “all pages” an image above the article. On the second, third, fourth… page i don’t want to display the image above the article. Do you know a solution like this:

    if “page 1” or “all pages”
    show img
    show nothing

    please, it is very important for me.

    Thanks for this plugin.

  4. Sourav

    okay, it’s working now, till now I was inserting manually in the code view, now i went to the design view, and it worked. many thanks for the wonderful plugin.

  5. Sourav

    It seems not working with “news-magazine-theme-640”.

    I kept “Multipage Toolkit Auto Insert Options” to default and then added inside a post.

    No result, posts are coming in a single page, as before.

  6. Kausik

    I am using the plugin without any problem. It works nicely. However, when Feedburner is burning the feeds for a post, it is only picking up the first page only. The other pages are being ignored.
    Is this a known issue?

  7. Evan Meagher

    Great plugin! Did exactly what I was looking for where 5 or 6 others didnt. Works fine in 2.9.2.

    Found slight bug – and fixed it –

    when drop down is used and no prev/next navigation is specified, an invisible link is still added left and right of the drop down. Fixed by checking strlen()

    lines 122 & 226- if ($nav_type == 2 && strlen($nextpagelink) > 0) …
    lines 126 & 230- if ($nav_type == 2 && strlen($previouspagelink) > 0) …

  8. pepoluan

    Does this plugin support WordPress MU? Because that’s what I’m using and it seems the plugin only works for the first (i.e., main) blog.

  9. Greg

    Great plugin. based on v2.6, I’ve made the following adjustments to the plugin code. But, it seems WP2.9.1 is inserting a BR tag right before your form, therefore negating the usefulness of the “before text” field.

    Here are the code adjustments in multi-page-toolkit\TA_multi_toolkit.php:

    *** fix malformed OPTION tag
    line 207: add a space before the word selected
    line 220: same thing as above

    *** allow P tag to be styled and have drop-down box follow the alignment request
    line 390: change P to DIV and add class=”mp2_1″ so the whole block can be styled
    line 391: change P to DIV and add class=”mp2_2″ so that the whole block can be styled

    *** allow FORM tag to be styled
    line 176: add class=”mp2contentjump” so that the whole form can be styled

  10. Greg

    Great plugin. based on v2.6, I’ve made the following adjustments to the plugin code. But, it seems WP2.9.1 is inserting a BR tag right before your form, therefore negating the usefulness of the “before text” field.

    Here are the code adjustments in multi-page-toolkit\TA_multi_toolkit.php:

    *** fix malformed OPTION tag
    line 207: add a space before the word selected
    line 220: same thing as above

    *** allow tag to be styled and have drop-down box follow the alignment request
    line 390: change to and add class=”mp2_1″ so the whole block can be styled
    line 391: change to and add class=”mp2_2″ so that the whole block can be styled

    *** allow tag to be styled
    line 176: add class=”mp2contentjump” so that the whole form can be styled

  11. Kris D

    I used the plugin and on the home page the post is being truncated after the first page break and no other pages are listed below. If I go to the recent post section and select a post the plugin works fine and generates the correct page numbers.

    Some background, The home page shows the current and last post. Could this be the problem?

    Many Thanks.

  12. Jimmy

    I have seen a lot of page navigation plugins and as far as practicality is concerned, this is the only one that has actually worked. Kudos to the developer.

  13. Tarkan Post author

    Yes, Andrew. I do have a update in the works – it has been taking longer than I thought due to other commitments.

    However, the plugin is fully compatible with the latest version of wordpress.

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